
Our goal at Advanced Hearing Aid Center starts with a detailed personal history of symptoms and events that are pertinent to your hearing. Then a thorough hearing evaluation is conducted in a calibrated sound booth. This evaluation may consist of pure tone air and bone conduction thresholds, speech reception thresholds, speech discrimination testing, tympanometry, speech in noise testing, and aided versus unaided testing.

Next, the results of all tests performed will be explained to you. You will be given some personalized educational material based on your audiological profile and test results. If a referral is necessary one will be made. If you are a candidate for a hearing instrument our audiologist or hearing aid dispenser will advise you of all your options including cost, style/size, and technology. The pros and cons of each option will be explained in detail so that you can make an informed decision regarding you hearing rehabilitation.

After deciding on specific hearing instruments your hearing professional will make ear mold impressions which takes about 10 minutes. These ear mold impressions will be used to custom craft your hearing aids. Generally there is only a one to three week wait for you hearing aids to arrive back from the manufacturer at which time you will be “fit” with the devices. We like to see you back every week for four consecutive weeks to fine tune the hearing instruments, counsel you regarding your adaptation to the hearing aids, and to answer any questions you may have. This is part of our 30-Day money back guarantee. In addition, six month check-ups are a great way to keep you hearing well and are included as part of our service to you.